Category: St Mary’s Church

Everton Village Commemorative Stone

07 November, 2018

The Everton Commemorative Stone

Early in 2018 a small working group, Pauline Breeze, Gordon Pound and Cheryl Fillmore, supported by the Everton Community Association began to consider the viability of providing a Commemorative Stone for Everton. The group’s initial idea focused on a War […]

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Lest We Forget

07 October, 2018

Lest we forget

During this last year, the ECA set up a small working party, led by Gordon Pound to work on the installation of a fitting public memorial to coincide with this year’s centenary celebration of the end of the First World […]

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Armistice Day

06 October, 2018

Armistice Day 2018

Armistice Day this year falls on a Sunday and as it will be the Centenary of the end of the Great War the service in St Mary’s will take on a particular significance. The eleventh of November has also come […]

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