Everton & Lymore WI
Everton & Lymore WI meet at 2.30pm the 3rd Wednesday of the month at St. Mary’s Church Hall. For more information contact evertonpres@hampshirewi.org.uk
Everton & Lymore WI meet at 2.30pm the 3rd Wednesday of the month at St. Mary’s Church Hall. For more information contact evertonpres@hampshirewi.org.uk
The Pétanque club meet during the week and on a Sunday morning. Members have access to the court at all times and can meet up on an ad hoc basis in smaller or larger groups. There is a £10 joining fee and a subsequent £5 per year per person. For more information contact evertonpetanqueclub@gmail.com
LEGS have been in existence for 45 years. This lively social group meets at 2.00pm the 1st Wednesday of the month at St. Mary’s Church Hall, offering a wide range of speakers and home-made entertainment as well as the occasional outing. Proceeds of the raffle held at each meeting enable us to support a local charity at the end of the year. The cost to attend is £5. For more information contact the secretary, Judy Morgan, 01590 643521 or email judymorgan09@talktalk.net
Everton Bridge Club has nearly 40 full playing members drawn from throughout the local area. The club meets every Tuesday evening at 6.15pm at St. Mary’s Church Hall, and normally has 6/7 tables playing duplicate bridge in a friendly, competitive, environment. For more information contact club secretary or contact Pat on 01425 616312. Visit their website https://www.bridgewebs.com/evertonbc/
Everton Ramblers aim to provide two walks a month, starting at 10.30am covering approximately 5 miles. There are also evening walks in the summer usually from Forest Pub car parks. The annual subscription is £10 which enables members to join the walks and self-funding social events during the year. For more information contact Tony Shonfeld on 01590 718516 or email joshonfeld@aol.com