Category: Community

13 April, 2023

A Windy Day!

It was an incredibly windy day yesterday. The Isle of Wight recorded winds of up to 96 miles per hour in the middle of the day. I had been quite oblivious to this fact, not having listened to the radio […]

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Latest News Update

22 November, 2022

Be A New Year Volunteer!

During the Covid pandemic, volunteers stepped up by the thousand across the country to help in their communities, to take food parcels to those self-isolating, to drive people to hospital, to check on neighbours. My husband and I signed up […]

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Latest News Update

09 June, 2022

Which council does what?

I quite often get asked, “which council should I go to” for this and that, so I thought it may be useful to set out the main responsibilities of each council once again, particularly for new residents recently moving into […]

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Hampshire County Youth Orchestra Jubilee Concert April 2022

20 May, 2022

Culture, Eurovision and the Jubilee!

Dear All, can it be May already? But yes, it is! And, this morning, I am re-writing my article after the United Kingdom coming second to Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest after many years in the wilderness! Like many […]

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Latest News Update

24 May, 2021

Everton Pavilion Report, May 2021

As you are aware it is coming up to the beginning of my third year as chairman and I hope I have helped navigate us through covid even with so much still to learn and take in. Having been pleased […]

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Latest News Update

18 May, 2021

Hordle Parish Council update to ECA, May 2021

Meetings HPC has continued to operate over the last year . Until this week ,no face to face meetings have taken place ,but have now resumed with suitable Covid precautions. Planning and other issues were handled on line by emails […]

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Councillor case piechart Feb 2021

15 February, 2021

The Pot-Hole Kit & Caboodle…

During our recent rainy period, my councillor inbox was bombarded with irate messages about potholes and road flooding, asking “why the council tax is so high when the roads are in such a bad way”. This is a perfectly right […]

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23 July, 2020

Moving forward from COVID-19 in Hampshire

Hampshire County Council recently published its Local Outbreak Plan, which sets out how they will work with the NHS, district and other councils to identify and contain local outbreaks of Coronavirus in the county. Its key focus areas are: Care […]

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15 January, 2020

Hampshire’s Climate Action Plan

My first New Year’s visit to Hampshire County Council was to attend a Cabinet meeting where progress on the council’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan was reported. The strategy is based on “stretching but achievable” targets to 2050, in […]

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