Category: Everton Village Events

Hampshire County Youth Orchestra Jubilee Concert April 2022

20 May, 2022

Culture, Eurovision and the Jubilee!

Dear All, can it be May already? But yes, it is! And, this morning, I am re-writing my article after the United Kingdom coming second to Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest after many years in the wilderness! Like many […]

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Latest News Update

24 May, 2021

Village Festival 2021

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions the Festival Committee has not yet been able to meet, or indeed to consider the possibility of holding a Village Festival this year, similar to the ones we have held in the past. However, […]

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Everton Village Festival Stalls

23 June, 2018

Everton Village Festival June 10th – 17th 2018

Last year the Organisers of the Everton Village Festival, claimed they had held the most successful Festival ever. This year that success was repeated with added pzazz. The week long events took off in the style that Villagers look forward […]

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