District and County Council bits ’n pieces… towards the end of a fruitful year!

In August, I wrote about my hopes for setting up a Men’s Shed in the area. Just under 70 gentlemen from Hordle, Tiptoe, Everton, Milford and New Milton turned up for a public meeting in September and a smaller group have now formed a Shed Committee with an extremely keen Chair from Milford. Many are also meeting each week socially for a ‘Friday Natter’ at the House Martin pub at 11.30am (do just drop in and join them if you’d like to). Potential Shed sites are being systematically assessed by the committee and possibilities are arising. But if you have any good ideas, do get in touch! I’m confident we will shortly get our Men’s Shed and I’d like to thank the Shedders for being so enthusiastic about the project. If you’d like to get involved in any way, email or phone me, contact details below.

I’m pleased to say that large road surfacing works took place in the summer months on Everton Road and Silver Street in Hordle and that the pedestrian island on the A337 has finally been fixed. There is much still to be done, but Highways have been working hard for Everton and surrounding areas. If you have a road defect or flooding issue in your area, the quickest way to get it dealt with is to report it yourself immediately, uploading photos and giving exact location at https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance or by calling 0300 555 1388. And keep your own ditches and culverts clear of mud and other blockages to avoid unnecessary flooding for you and your neighbours this winter.

NFDC’s Local Plan (Part 1) for larger scale housing sites of over 100 homes was finally submitted to the Government Inspector on November 2nd. The council is expecting a hearing in the spring to determine whether the Plan will be accepted as submitted or whether changes will be required. No large sites in Everton were included in Part 1.

Foster-adoptI must also mention that Hampshire County Council are looking for families to adopt or foster children. Hampshire is corporate parent to hundreds of children needing loving homes, either on a temporary or permanent basis. If you have ever considered fostering or adopting, Hampshire’s children’s services teams would love to hear from you. Find out more on 0300 555 1384 or at https://www.hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/adoptionandfostering

I wish everyone in Everton a very merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. Let’s hope it will be a good one. It will certainly be an interesting year politically, with Brexit in March and NFDC elections shortly afterwards!

Kind regards, Fran

Fran-Carpenter-May-2018-photoCllr Fran Carpenter
Hampshire County Council
New Milton North, Milford & Hordle Division
07867-502624 / 01425-614665